I was so happy to take pictures of these sisters and their "out of town" cousins. I know siblings can have their "moments", but these kids were so loving to each other, hugging and helping each other the entire time! I thought it was wonderful. I had so much fun with you guys. Here is a sneak peek Julie, can't wait for you to see them all.

Awesome Leslie. You be thinking about where? We are truly open.
Thank you for the wonderful pictures you took of the grandkids for mom! She thought the world of your work and I have to say I agree with her 110%. Although they are ALL great, I especially love the pictures you were able to capture with mom included. Little did we realize when you took these, that this would be the last pictures of her taken before the Lord called her home. What a blessing it is to still have her memories within these pictures! I am so grateful for your art of photography! Again, thank you for blessing us and so many others through your talent!
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